Linda has co-authored The Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays.  This is a well-organized volume containing a valuable study of the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith–our spiritual heritage.  Adults will appreciate the sections with historical research and prophetic significance, pointing to each feast’s fulfillment in Christ.  This book provides an opportunity to make long-lasting, warmhearted memories for your family or study group as you learn glorious secrets hidden in the word of God.  Dozens of non-legalistic ideas including arts, crafts, games and recipes appear, along with a chapter for homeschool unit studies.  Published for 20 years, thousands of families have enjoyed this resource.  Paperback 8 ½ x 11, over 580 pages, it is the most comprehensive book on this topic.

Linda has self-published a Kentucky history curriculum for Christian and home schools, adaptable for grades 4 through 7, which can be used for a nine-week study or expanded to a full semester.  Kentucky Basics includes a teacher’s manual and an interactive student workbook (in a coloring book format) with hands-on learning activities to reinforce the text.  It contains elements of Kentucky’s spiritual heritage, such as the revival of 1800, ways for children to bless their communities, as well as text on historical events.  The teacher’s manual contains additional information, lesson plans, tests, and answer keys.  Content exceeds scope & sequence of public school.  Newcomers to the state can also learn about Kentucky from a Christian perspective through this material.  

Linda has illustrated the children’s book Joey and the What-If Bubbles, by Tikkun, a book giving children a biblical perspective on fear.  Illustration was also done for each chapter and cover of the children’s book A Day to Remember by Renshaw, available at It’s a collection of short stories from a Christian perspective.

Other book covers designed include An Appointment with God by  Busch, Give Me My Inheritance by Dixon, and The Year She Stopped to Pray by Taylor. 





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NOW AVAILABLE  Coloring pages of worship art.

Set of 10 for $20.  Each sheet, on quality paper, has a short message on the back.  The first sets are on the CROSS, and DOVES or the Holy Spirit.   The back insert shows samples of the coloration when the pictures were first created during worship services, but you can use the colors you desire.